Source | Target | kettingdichtheid | warp setting | kettingdraad | warp thread | kettingdruk, boomdruk | chiné printing, warp printing | kettingeffect | warp effect | kettingfluweel | warp velvet | kettinggaren | warp yarn | kettingkeper | warp twill | kettingrichting | warp direction, direction of the warp | kettingrips, kettingribs, breedterips | warp rib, weftwise rib | kettingsteek | chain stitch | kettingstelsel | warp system | kettingwachter | warp stop motion | keukenhanddoek, keukendoek, vaatdoek, droogdoek | tea towel, kitchen towel | kilotex, ktex | kilotex, ktex | klant | customer | klavier, toetsenbord | keyboard | kleding, kledij | clothing | kledingstuk, kledingartikel | garment | kleeflaag, lijmlaag | glue coat, glue film | kleefmiddel | bonding agent, adhesive, glue | klepnaald | latch needle | kleurafwijking | colour deviation | kleurband | dyeing stripe | kleurechtheid | colour fastness | kleurendessin, de kleurentekening | colour pattern | kleurengamma, de kleurengamma, kleurenpalet | colour range, colour gamut | kleurrapport, kleurrakkoord | colour pattern | kleurstof | dye, colour, pigment | kleurstofaffiniteit | dye affinity, dye substantivity, dyeability | kleurstofkaart, kleurstoffenkaart | colour card, shade card | kleurstofopname | dye liquor absorption | kleurstofpasta | dye paste | kleurverloop | colour deviation, difference in shade | kleurverschil, kleurwijziging | difference of shade, shade difference | kleurvlek | colour stain | kleurwisseling | colour change, change of colour | kleverigheid (katoen) | stickiness (cotton) | klimatisatie, klimaatregeling, airconditioning | air-conditioning | klimatiseren | air-condition, climatize | kloppen | scutch, devil | klopwolf | shaker | klos | spool, reel | klossenrek, bobijnrek, kruisspoelrek | bobbin creel | kluwen | ball | knoop | button | knoopapparaat, aanknoopapparaat | knotting apparatus, tying apparatus | knoopmachine, knoopapparaat, knooptoestel | knotting machine, tying machine | knoopsterkte | knot strength | knopen (tapijt) | knot, net | knopen, aanknopen (gareneindjes) | knot | knoper, aanknoper | knotter | know-how | know-how | koelschacht | cooling chimney | koelzone | cooling zone | kokos, de kokosvezel | coconut fibre, coir fibre | kokosmat | coconut mat | konijnehaar | rabbit hair | kookwas | boil wash, white wash | koordmanchester, corduroy, manchester | cord velvet, rib velvet | kop, breikop, boog | bow, arc, bend |
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