Source | Target | polyolefinen | polyolefine | polypropeenvezel, polyprop | polypropylene fibre | polyurethaanvezel | polyurethane fibre | polyvinylacetaat | polyvinyl acetate | polyvinylalcoholvezel | polyvinyl alcohol fibre | polyvinylchloridevezel | polyvinyl chloride fibre | pool, het pooldek | pile | pooldichtheid | pile density | pooldraad | pile thread | poolgaren | pile yarn | poolgarenboom, poolboom | pile warp beam | poolhoogte | pile height | poolinslag | pile weft | poolketting | pile warp | poollengte | pile length, length of pile | poollus | pile loop | poolverankering | pile binding, anchorage of the piles | poolweefsel | pile fabric | poolzijde, poolkant | pile side | popeline, de popeline, poplin | poplin | potschijf | coiler, revolving can | potspinnen | pot spinning | potwissel | can change, change of can | precisiewinding | precision winding, constant pitch winding | prijsaanvraag | inquiry of price, enquiry of price | procesbeheersing, procescontrole | process control | produktiekost | production cost, manufacturing cost | produktieproces | production process | proefatmosfeer | test atmosphere | proefdrukken | test printing | proefrol | test roller | proefstuk, monster | specimen | profielriet | profiled reed | projectiel | projectile | projectielweefmachine | projectile weaving machine | projecttapijt | non-domestic carpet, contract carpet | puioog, de ruitkeper | diamond twill | PVC-vezel, chloorvezel | PVC-fibre | pyjama, piama | pyjamas | rachelbreisel, rachelbreiwerk | raschel knitware, lace stitch | rachelmachine, rachelbreimachine | raschel knitting machine | rafelmachine | fringe machine | raffia, het raffia | raffia | rakel | squeegee | rakelstand, rakelpositie | squeegee position, position of the squeegee | ramee, ramie, rameh | ramie, China grass | rameevezel | ramie fibre | ramwol, ramswol | ram's wool | rapport, rakkoord | repeat, repeat of pattern (pattern) | rapportgetal | repeat number | rayon, de rayon | rayon | reactieve kleurstof | reactive dye | recept | recipe | recht | straight | rechte kant | right hand side | rechterkant, rechterzijde | right hand side | rechtse steek | face stitch | rechts-links | single jersey | rechts-rechts | double jersey, rib fabric 11 | recuperatie, recyclage | recycling |
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