Source | Target | orderbevestiging | order confirmation | ovendroog | oven-dry, oven dry | overbobijnen, overspoelen | rewind | overdragen | transfer, transmit | overdruk | overprint | overjas | overcoat | overschrijving | transfer | overspoelen, overwinden (van bobijnen) | rewind | overtorsie | overtwisting | overtrek, donsovertrek (dekbed) | cover | overtwist | overtwisting | oververven | cross-dye, cross dye | paardehaar | horse hair | paktouw, bindtouw | binding end, binding thread | panty | tights | papbak | size beck, size box, size vat | paraffineren | treat with paraffin wax | parallelwinding | parallel winding | partij | batch | passage, doorgang | passage | passementerie, bandweefsels | trimmings | patroon | pattern draft | pectine, lignopectine, lijmstof | pectin | persbalk | presser bar | perscilinder, drukcilinder | pressure cylinder | persen | press | personeel | personnel, staff, employees, hands | perswals | pressure roller | picot | picot | pigment | pigment | pigmentbatch, masterbatch | pigment batch | pigmentdruk | pigment printing | pilling | pilling, pilling effect | piqué | piqué weave | plantaardig | vegetable | plastisch | plastic | platbinding | plain weave | platdraad | missing thread | platine | lifter | platinebalk, platinenbalk | sinker bar, lead sinker bar | platweven | weave in plain weave | plisseerbestendigheid | fastness to pleating, pleating fastness | plisseren | pleating | ploeg | shift work | plooi | crease, fold | plooivast | fold fast, permanent press, durable press | pluche, de pluche, plush | plush | pluizen | become fluffy, give off fluff | plukken | sink the loops | poetswals | stripping roller | polyacrylnitril, polyacryl | polyacrylic | polyacrylvezel | polyacrylic fibre | polyamide | polyamide | polyamidevezel | polyamide fibre | polyestervezel | polyester fibre | polyetheen, polytheen, polyethyleen | polyethylene | polyetheenvezel | polyethylene fibre | polymeer | polymer | polymeerkorrel | polymer grain | polymeriseren | polymerizing |
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