English to Japanese glossary of credit insurance terms

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(Cover for) the insured's largest buyers only (as opposed to whole turnover cover or single risk cover).被保険者の最大級の買主のみを担保する契約(全売 上担保契約や個別契約担保契約に対する概念)
Private buyer (Private debtor)民間買主
The business entity to which an insured sells its goods or services and that is:被保険者の販売先およびサービス提供先のうち
Not a public buyer;公的買主でない者
not majority-owned by a government.政府が過半数の持分を保有していない者
Private individual私用買主
A person who buys goods or services for a purpose other than the purpose of his professional activity.商用以外の目的で商品を購入したりサービスを享受 する者
Public buyer (Government buyers, Government debtors)公的買主
The entity to which an insured sells its goods or services and that is:被保険者の販売先およびサービス提供先のうち
Authorised to enter into commitments in the name or on behalf of the government of its country, including the government itself, government agencies or any public sector institutions;その国の政府の名においてまたは政府のために行 為することが認められている者であり、政府自体、政 府機関、公的機関を含む
majority-owned by a government;政府が過半数の持分を保有している者
an entity whose commitments are guaranteed by the government.その債務に政府の保証の付されているもの
Insurable debtors/credit assessment債務者/信用評価
Unspecified customer (DCL buyer/debtor, Unnamed buyer/debtor)不特定買主(裁量与信限度額内買主)
A buyer for which, according to given guidelines, insured may set a credit limit without specific review by the insurer.保険契約上、保険者による与信審査を経ずに被保険 者が与信限度額を設定することのできる買主」
Insurance cover保険担保
Binding order (Pending order, Binding contracts)延長特約
Order that the insured cannot be released from if the buyer's financial soundness is deteriorating. Under pre-defined conditions, credit insurance may be offered for such contracts even after withdrawal of the credit limit.買主の財務状況が悪化している場合において、その被 保険者に対するカバーは解除されないという趣旨の 特約 この特約を附帯すると、与信限度額が解除された場合 であっても信用保険カバーは存続することができる。
Co-insurance (uninsured percentage, Self insured percentage, Retention, Retained risk)被保険者自己負担割合
The percentage of each insured loss that is not indemnified by the insurer and that the insured has to bear for its own account.被保険者が被った損害に対する保険者によって填補 されず被保険者が自己負担しなければならない割合
Commencement of cover (Transaction date)保険責任開始日(取引日)
Beginning of taking effect of the insurance (at date of order or transaction, at date of delivery or shipment, at date of completion of performance of services) for each individual trade transaction covered under the police.保険対象の各取引について保険契約の効力の発生す る日(契約日、引渡日、サービス提供日)
Commercial risk信用危険
The risk of a deterioration in the financial situation or creditworthiness of a private buyer, resulting in payment default by or the insolvency of the buyer, not caused by circumstances or occurrences defined as political risk.私的買主の信用状況や財務状況が、非常危険として 定義される事項に因らずに悪化する危険であり、その 結果、買主の支払不能または破産が発生する。
Comprehensive cover総合担保
Insurance of the entire sales turnover of the insured (opp. Single risk cover);被保険者の売上高全体を担保する保険(反対語: 個別保険)
insurance for both commercial and political risks.信用危険と非常危険の双方を担保する保険
Possession of goods by a consignee with the obligation to pay the supplier after the sale to a third party or when using the goods.第三者への販売または商品の使用後に売主に代金を 支払う義務を負いつつ受託者が商品を占有すること
Covered percentage (Insured percentage, Percentage of cover, Guaranteed percentage)填補率
The percentage of each insured loss that is indemnified by the insurer.損害額に対する保険金の割合」
The amount of loss that must be absorbed by the insured prior to indemnification under the policy損害額のうち保険金支払に先立って被保険者により 負担されなければならない金額
Making the goods available to the buyer or any person acting on his behalf at the place and on the terms specified in the sales contract.売買契約に規定された場所で売買契約に規定された 条件どおりに買主またはその代理人が商品を利用で きる状態におくこと
Each and every first loss免責金額
Amount to be deducted from each claim payment to be kept for the account of the insured.夫々の事故において被保険者の負担として損害額か ら控除されるべき金額
Effective date (of the policy)保険契約発効日
The date on which the policy comes into force.保険契約の効力発生日
Export credit insurance輸出取引信用保険
Insurance of credit risk related to the sale of goods to buyers in another country外国所在買主への販売にかかる信用危険を担保する 保険
Losses occurring policy事故発生ベース保険契約
A policy under which cover is conditioned upon the date of the cause of loss occurring within the policy period.保険期間内に保険事故が発生することが損害担保の 要件とされる保険契約 (参照)請求ベース保険契約および危険開始ベース 保険契約
Manufacturing period製造期間
The period between the date of order and the delivery or shipment of the goods.受注から引渡しまたは船積みまでの期間
Maximum liability (Policy limit, Aggregate limit, Insurer's maximum liability)期間中総支払限度額
Maximum amount that the insurer is liable to pay with respect to all losses during a policy period保険期間中の全ての損害に対し保険者が支払責任を 有する保険金総額の上限額」
Percentage of cover (Insured percentage, Guaranteed percentage, Covered percentage)填補率
The percentage of each insured loss that is indemnified by the insurer.損害額に対する保険金の割合
Policy limit (Aggregate limit, Annual maximum liability)期間中支払限度額
Maximum amount that the insurer is liable to pay with respect to all losses during a policy period.保険期間中における総支払限度額
Retained risk被保険者自己負担部分
The part of a loss which is not indemnified by the insurer and for which the insured must bear the loss without recourse to any other party.保険事故の場合に保険者によって填補されず被保険 者が自己負担しなければならない部分
Retention of title所有権留保
Condition in a sales contract which reserves the right of product ownership to the seller until the seller has received full payment.売主が代金全額を受領するまでは売主は商品の所有 権を留保するという売買契約上の条件
Risks attaching policy危険開始ベース保険契約
A policy under which cover attaches based on shipment dates and where the shipment date (but notnecessarily the loss) must occur within the policy period.船積日ベースで担保責任が発生する保険契約であり、 船積日が保険期間内にあることが損害担保の要件と される保険契約 (参照)請求ベース保険契約および事故発生ベース 保険契約
Run off cover残存責任
Continuation of cover of risks which commenced before withdrawal of a credit limit or the expiry of a policy until payment or until the occurrence of a covered cause of loss.引受限度額の解約や保険期間満了後においても、そ れ以前に保険責任の開始したものについては保険対 象債務の履行または保険事故の発生まで保険責任が 存続すること
Run-in cover即時担保

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