Igbo to English glossary of Microsoft terms

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nhàzi datàdata layout
ṅhazi dị ṅkebisection layout
nhàzi igbelayout cell
nhazi ihuakwụkwọpage layout
nhàzi nchekwastorage layout
nhàzi objetiobject layout
nhàzi ozugbolive layout
nhàzi ụgbọọtụgwokeyboard layout
Nhụrụtupu NsìrìhàziLayout Preview
nkanka nhazilayout style
nlele nhàzi ibepage layout view
nlele nhàzi ndepụtaoutline layout view
nlele nhàzi ọgụgụreading layout view
nlele nhàzi weebụweb layout view
SmartArt graphic Picture LayoutSmartArt graphic Picture Layout
SmartArt Picture LayoutSmartArt Picture Layout
tebùl nsìrìhàzilayout table

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