French to English Directorate General for Education and Culture terminology (EAC)

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Partenaire(s) absent(s) lors de cette réunion (veuillez expliquer les raisons de son absence?)Partners not attending (explain the reasons)
Visite de 8ème Conférence Grundtvig Partenariats éducatifsAttending the 8th. European Conference of Grundtvig Learning Partnerships
Participer à la 8eme conférence sur les partenariats éducatifs GrundtvigAttending the 8th. European Conference of Grundtvig Learning Partnerships
Participation à la 8ème Conférence Grundtvig Partenariats éducatifsAttending the 8th. European Conference of Grundtvig Learning Partnerships
Visite de 3ème Conférence Grundtvig Partenariats éducatifsAttending the 3rd. European Conference on Grundtvig In-service Training
Participer à la 3eme conférence européenne sur les bourse de formation GrundtvigAttending the 3rd. European Conference on Grundtvig In-service Training
Participation à la 3ème Conférence Grundtvig Formations continuesAttending the 3rd. European Conference on Grundtvig In-service Training

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