English to Dutch European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control terminology (ECDC)

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Understanding social marketing principles and techniques is key to developing public health programs that can promote knowledge or positive behaviours as well as reduce risky ones.Inzicht in de beginselen en technieken van sociale marketing is van essentieel belang voor de ontwikkeling van volksgezondheidsprogramma's die kennis of positief gedrag kunnen bevorderen en risicovol gedrag kunnen verminderen.
Control of genital chlamydia focuses on reducing sexual risk behaviour, condom use, early diagnosis, and effective management of sexual partners in order to break the chain of transmission.De bestrijding van genitale chlamydia-infectie is gericht op vermindering van risicovol seksueel gedrag, op condoomgebruik, vroege diagnose en effectieve behandeling van seksuele partners om de overdrachtsketen te doorbreken.

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