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collective calculation일괄계산
collective calculation일괄전표
collective calculation (determination of quotabase qty.)일괄계산 (쿼타기준수량 결정)
collective calculation (determination of quotabase qty.)상업단위
collective declaration일괄선언
collective delivery일괄납품
collective goods recipt slip일괄입고전표
collective invoice일괄송장
collective invoice제품코드
collective number (for RFQs/quotations)일괄번호 (RFQs/견적에 대한)
collective number (for RFQs/quotations)회사소유재고
collective number for RFQsRFQ 일괄번호
collective release일괄릴리즈
collective requirements planning일괄소요계획
collective RFQ일괄 RFQ
collective selection일괄선택
collective slip일괄전표
collective slip비교오퍼랜드
collective withdrawal일괄출고
collectvie goods issue slip일괄출고전표
combination of agreements계약결합
combined from-bin transferFrom-BIN 결합이전
Combined Nomenclature of the ECEC통합 명명법
combined picking list결합피킹리스트
combined requirements결합소요량
combined run결합실행
combined to-bin transferTo-BIN결합이전
combining (in one lot)결합 (하나의 로트에서)
commercial unit상업단위
commercial unit비교연산자
committed issues확정출고
committed issues보충전기
committed quantity확정수량
committed quantity완전실사영역
commodity code제품코드
commodity code출하지시준수
common service/work공통서비스/작업
communications and information transmission통신 및 정보전송
company contract회사일괄계약
company's own stock회사소유재고
company's own stock구성품목
comparison of bids입찰비교
comparison operand비교오퍼랜드
comparison operand계약체결
comparison operator비교연산자
comparison operator가격조건
comparison price비교가격
compensation deal보상처리
compilation of purchasing statistics구매통계집계
compile purchasing statistics, to구매통계집계하다
complementary posting보충전기
complementary posting구성값지정
complete info record전체정보레코드
complete info record확정관리
complete inventory count완료재고실사
complete reference전체참조
complete-count area완전실사영역
complete-count area확정관리키

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