English to Korean dictionary of SAP terms

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desired vendor추천공급업체
desired vendor분산구매
destination bin도착(지)BIN
destination storage location도착(지) 저장위치
destination warehouse도착(지) 창고
detail appendix세부부록
detailed capacity list세부생산능력리스트
detailed shutdown planning세부 조업정지 계획
determination of delivery date납품일결정
determination of goods origin자재원산지결정
determination of lower of cost or market value원가나 시가중 저가결정
determination of lowest value최저값결정
determination of lowest value분산일괄계약유형
determination of material requirements자재소요량결정
determination of safety stock안전재고결정
deterministic MRP결정적 MRP
devaluation indicator평가절하지시자
devaluation level평가절하레벨
devaluation of slow/non-moving products느린순환/비순환제품 평가절하
devaluation percentage평가절하백분율
devaluation percentage일괄계약분배
devaluation procedure평가절하절차
deviation parameter편차매개변수
difference account차이계정
difference notice차이통지
difference posting차이전기
difference quantity차이수량
difference quantity분배백분율
difference value차이값
difference value디비젼
different invoicing party다른 송장발행처
different invoicing party원가분배
different order unit다른 오더단위
different order unit문서범주
different payee다른 수취인
different vendor다른 공급업체
different vendor문서유형
direct procurement직접조달
direct purchase직접구매
direct requisition직접구매요청
disaggregate, to분배하다
discontinuation indicator비연속지시자
discontinuation indicator달러금액방법
discount amount할인액
discount calculation procedure할인계산절차
discount conversion factor항니전환요인
discount in percent할인%
discount level할인레벨
discount price unit할인가격단위
discount quantity unit할인수량단위
discount type할인유형
discount unit할인단위
discount unit선금

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