English to Vietnamese glossary of social security terms

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Bureau of Vital StatisticsNha Thoáng keâ Sinh saûn
Denial noticeThoâng caùo töø choái
Disability denial noticeThoâng caùo khöôùc töø söï taøn taät
Due process of lawThuû tuïc thoâng baùo tröôùc khi tieán haønh vieäc giaûm hay caét tieàn trôï caáp cuûa ngöôøi ñöùng ñôn
Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS)Heä thoáng höu trí cuûa caùc nhaân vieân thuoäc chính phuû Lieân Bang
Life expectancyTuoåi thoï trung bình theo thoáng keâ
NetworkMaïng löôùi, heä thoáng
NoticeThoâng caùo
Notice of new mailing addressThö thoâng baùo ñòa chæ môùi
Notice of Non-CoverageThö thoâng baùo laø khoâng ñöôïc trôï caáp
Notice of Planned ActionThu thoâng baùo moïi hoaït ñoäng nhö ñaõ döï ñònh
NotifyKhai baùo, thoâng baùo
Please notify usXin thoâng baùo cho chuùng toâi
Termination noticeThô thoâng baùo söï keát thuùc
TranslatorThoâng dòch vieân
Unposted earningsCaùc lôïi töùc khoâng ñöôïc thoâng baùo
Vital statisticsThoáng keâ sinh saûn

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