English to Vietnamese glossary of social security terms

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Annual report of earningsBaùo caùo löông boång haøng naêm
Bank statementBaûn baùo caùo cuûa ngaân haøng
Benefit statementBaûn baùo caùo soá tieàn trôï caáp
BillHoùa ñôn, luaät döï thaûo, tôø quaûng caùo
Denial noticeThoâng caùo töø choái
Disability denial noticeThoâng caùo khöôùc töø söï taøn taät
Failure to reportSöï khoâng baùo caùo
NoticeThoâng caùo
PostersBích chöông, quaûng caùo
Report (to)Baùo caùo, thuaät laïi
Report of work activityBaùo caùo phaïm vi hoaït ñoäng ngheà nghieäp
Reporting eventsTöôøng thuaät hay baùo caùo caùc söï kieän
Social Security StatementBaûn baùo caùo cuûa An Sinh Xaõ Hoäi
StatementSöï baøy toû, trình baøy, baùo caùo
Statement of earningsBaûn baùo caùo caùc khoaûn lôïi töùc
Suit (legal)Vieäc kieän caùo hay toá tuïng
Timely report of earningsBaùo caùo caùc khoaûn lôïi töùc theo ñuùng döï ñònh
Wage statementBaûn baùo caùo tieàn löông, soå löông

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