English to Vietnamese glossary of social security terms

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Agree to notifyÑoàng yù khai baùo
Aid and advice to appellantSöï giuùp ñôõ vaø lôøi khuyeân baûo cho ngöôøi choáng aùn
Annual report of earningsBaùo caùo löông boång haøng naêm
AssureBaûo ñaûm
Attain insured statusÑaõ ñaït ñöôïc tình traïng ñöôïc baûo hieåm
Bank statementBaûn baùo caùo cuûa ngaân haøng
Benefit statementBaûn baùo caùo soá tieàn trôï caáp
Care and welfareSaên soùc vaø baûo veä
Carrier (Part B)Ngöôøi mang baûo hieåm y teá Medicare phaàn B
Catastrophic coverageBaûo hieåm tai bieán
Claim for Medicare paymentÑoøi hoûi baûo hieåm Medicare traû tieàn khaùm beänh
Competitive Medical Plans (CMPS)Söï caïnh tranh giöõa caùc döï kieán cuûa baûo hieåm y teá
Conserved fundsBaûo toaøn ngaân quyõ
CoveredÑöôïc bao boïc, ñöôïc che chôû, baûoveä, baûo toaøn
Covered by Social SecurityÑöôïc baûo hieåm bôûi An Sinh Xaõ Hoäi
Currently insuredÑang ñöôïc baûo hieåm
Daily maintenanceSöï baûo veä haèng ngaøy, duy trì moãi ngaøy
Department of Homeland Security (DHS)Boä Baûo An Quoác Gia
DependentNgöôøi phuï thuoäc, ngöôøi ñöôïc baûo hoä
Disability insuranceBaûo hieåm beänh taät
Due process of lawThuû tuïc thoâng baùo tröôùc khi tieán haønh vieäc giaûm hay caét tieàn trôï caáp cuûa ngöôøi ñöùng ñôn
Employer's quarterly tax returnBaûn khai baùo lôïi töùc ñeå ñoùng thueá moãi tam caù nguyeät cuûa chuû nhaân
Extended coverageBaûo hieåm ñöôïc gia haïn
Failure to reportSöï khoâng baùo caùo
Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA)Luaät ñaûm baûo moïi ñoùng goùp cuûa Lieân bang
Fraud and Abuse HotlineSoá ñieän thoaïi duøng ñeå khai baùo vieäc gian laän vaøbò ngöôïc ñaõi hay bò haønh haï
Fully insuredNgöôøi ñöôïc baûo hieåm toaøn dieän
Health InsuranceBaûo hieåm y teá, baûo hieåm söùc khoûe
HMO (Health Maintenance Organization)Cô quan Baûo veä Söùc khoûe, toå chöùc baûo hieåm y teá
InformBaùo tin cho, cho bieát, cung caáp tin töùc
Insurance premiumBaûo phí
Legal dependencyNgöôøi ñöôïc baûo hoä hôïp phaùp
Legal guardianNgöôøi baûo veä hay giaùm hoä hôïp leä
Life insurance policyBaûo hieåm nhaân thoï
Maintain recordsBaûo quaûn hoà sô, löu tröõ hoà sô
Medical coverageBaûo hieåm y teá, tin töùc veà y khoa
Medicare (health insurance)Baûo hieåm y teá Medicare
Medicare Catastrophic CoverageBaûo hieåm caùc thaûm hoïa bôûi Medicare
National Press ConferenceCuoäc hoïp baùo toaøn quoác
Newspaper recordTaøi lieäu baùo chí
Notice of new mailing addressThö thoâng baùo ñòa chæ môùi
Notice of Non-CoverageThö thoâng baùo laø khoâng ñöôïc trôï caáp
Notice of Planned ActionThu thoâng baùo moïi hoaït ñoäng nhö ñaõ döï ñònh
NotifyKhai baùo, thoâng baùo
Please notify usXin thoâng baùo cho chuùng toâi
Policy (insurance)Hôïp ñoàng baûo hieåm
PremiumLeä phí baûo hieåm, baûo phí
Privacy ActÑaïo luaät baûo maät tin töùc caù nhaân
Private insuranceBaûo hieåm tö nhaân
Private insurerCoâng ty baûo hieåm tö nhaân
Report (to)Baùo caùo, thuaät laïi
Report of work activityBaùo caùo phaïm vi hoaït ñoäng ngheà nghieäp
Reporting eventsTöôøng thuaät hay baùo caùo caùc söï kieän
Social Security StatementBaûn baùo caùo cuûa An Sinh Xaõ Hoäi
SponsoredÑöôïc baûo trôï, ñöôïc taøi trôï
State Buy-in (Medicare) ProgramChöông trình mua tröõ baûo hieåm y teá cuûa tieåu bang
StatementSöï baøy toû, trình baøy, baùo caùo
Statement of earningsBaûn baùo caùo caùc khoaûn lôïi töùc
Tax returnSöï khai baùo lôïi töùc ñeå ñoùng thueá
Termination noticeThô thoâng baùo söï keát thuùc

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