English to Vietnamese glossary of social security terms

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Appointment (to appoint)Boå nhieäm
Appointment of RepresentativeBoå nhieäm ngöôøi ñaïi dieän
Jury dutyNhieäm vuï cuûa boài thaåm ñoaøn
LiabilityTraùch nhieäm phaùp lyù, tieàn nôï
Personal Responsibility&Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996Ñaïo luaät thaønh laäp naêm 1996 veà traùch nhieämcaù nhaân vaø cô hoäi ñieàu hoøa ngheà nghieäp
Power of attorneyQuyeàn uûy nhieäm
Quadrennial Social Security Advisory Council Qualified Designated EntityHoäi ñoàng tö vaán cuûa An Sinh Xaõ Hoäi ñöôïc tuyeân theä vaø boå nhieäm boán naêm moät laàn
Renewal commissionThay nhieäm vuï môùi
ResponsibilitiesNhöõng traùch nhieäm
Third party liabilityTraùch nhieäm nhöõng ngöôøi thöù ba

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