English to Vietnamese glossary of social security terms

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AIME (Average Indexed Monthly Earnings)Chæ soá thu nhaäp trung bình haèng thaùng
Annual earnings testKieåm tra möùc thu nhaäp lôïi töùc moãi naêm
Annual report of earningsBaùo caùo löông boång haøng naêm
Average Indexed Monthly Earnings (AIME)Chæ soá Löông Boång Trung bình haøng thaùng
Average yearly earningsLöông boång trung bình haøng naêm
EarningsTieàn kieám ñöôïc, tieàn löông, lôïi töùc
Earnings recordSoå löông, hoà sô lôïi töùc
Earnings testTraéc nghieäm veà lôïi töùc
Gross earningsToång soá lôïi töùc tröôùc khi bò ñaùnh thueá
Self-employment earningsLöông boång thu nhaäp cho vieäc haønh ngheà töï do
Statement of earningsBaûn baùo caùo caùc khoaûn lôïi töùc
Timely report of earningsBaùo caùo caùc khoaûn lôïi töùc theo ñuùng döï ñònh
Unposted earningsCaùc lôïi töùc khoâng ñöôïc thoâng baùo

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