English to Vietnamese glossary of social security terms

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ActÑaïo luaät
Activities of daily livingNhöõng sinh hoaït haèng ngaøy
Equal Access to Justice ActÑaïo luaät ñöôïc bình ñaúng quyeàn duøng ñeán coâng lyù
Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA)Luaät ñaûm baûo moïi ñoùng goùp cuûa Lieân bang
File for civil actionKhieáu naïi theo luaät daân söï
Notice of Planned ActionThu thoâng baùo moïi hoaït ñoäng nhö ñaõ döï ñònh
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990 (OBRA)Ñaïo luaät ñieàu hoøa ngaân saùch bao goàmnhieàu vaán ñeà cuûa naêm 1990
Paper Work Reduction ActÑaïo luaät nhaèm giaûm bôùt coâng vieäc giaáy tôø
Personal Responsibility&Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996Ñaïo luaät thaønh laäp naêm 1996 veà traùch nhieämcaù nhaân vaø cô hoäi ñieàu hoøa ngheà nghieäp
Privacy ActÑaïo luaät baûo maät tin töùc caù nhaân
Report of work activityBaùo caùo phaïm vi hoaït ñoäng ngheà nghieäp
Substantial gainful activity (SGA)Coâng vieäc coù lôïi nhuaän ñaùng keå
Subversive activitiesNhöõng hoaït ñoäng coù tính chaát phaù vôõ
The Deceptive Mailing Prevention ActÑaïo luaät ngaên ngöøa löøa bòp thö töø hay böu kieän
Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999Ñaïo luaät Caûi Toå naêm 1999 nhaèm caápgiaáy pheùp vaø khuyeán khích ñi laøm
Work activityQuaù trình laøm vieäc

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