Japanese to English glossary of credit insurance terms

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その国の政府の名においてまたは政府のために行 為することが認められている者であり、政府自体、政 府機関、公的機関を含むAuthorised to enter into commitments in the name or on behalf of the government of its country, including the government itself, government agencies or any public sector institutions;
個々の買主の能力の及ばない危険またはその責任 外となる危険the risk that a country prevents the performance of a transaction;
債務者所在国の銀行に債務者から支払われた金員 の送金が被保険者の所在国以外に発生した事由に より阻止されたり遅延する危険political risk resulting from an event outside the insured's country preventing or delaying the transfer of funds paid by the debtor to a local bank.
国別の信用状況についての格付けIndication of creditworthiness of a country.
国別担保条件Country cover conditions
国別限度額Country limit
国家が取引の履行を妨げるという危険 買主がその所在国で支払った金銭を国家が被保険 者の所在国に送金しないという危険the risk that a country remains in default to transfer to the country of the insured the moneys paid by buyers domiciled in that country.
国格付けCountry rating (Country rank, Country risk classification)
外国所在買主への販売にかかる信用危険を担保する 保険Insurance of credit risk related to the sale of goods to buyers in another country
特定の国にかかる債務を引き受けるに際し保険者が 課す条件Terms of coverage imposed by the insurer for its acceptance of cover on (buyers in) a particular country
特定の国について保険者が特に認めた総支払限度額The maximum exposure specifically approved or otherwise authorised by the insurer in respect of a particular country
第三国危険Third country risk
被保険者と同一国内に所在する買主との間の取引Transactions with buyers domiciled in the same country as the insured.
被保険者や買主の所在する国以外の国にかかる経済 的危険や政治的危険。通常、その国から船積みが行わ れたり、その国に商品が仕向けられたり役務が提供さ れる。Exposure to economic an political risks in a country other than the country of the insured or the buyer, usually a country through which shipments may pass or where the goods are to be delivered, or the services to be performed.
買主ごと、国ごとまたは保険契約ごともしくは全保険 契約についての保険者の総引受金額Total amount underwritten by the insurer as cover on a buyer, a country or under a policy or all policies.
買主たる政府や国家が取引の成就を妨げたり期日 どおりの支払を行わないという危険The risk that a government buyer or country prevents the fulfilment of a transaction or fails to meet payment obligations in time. The risk that is beyond the scope of an individual buyer or falls outside the individual buyer's responsibility;
買主所在国の通貨以外の決済通貨での支払を受け る事前の法律的権利が買主所在国の政府により無 効とされる危険The risk of revocation by the buyer's government of the buyer's pre-existing legal right to make payment in an invoiced currency that is different from the currency of the buyer country, at any rate of exchange;

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