Italian to English glossary of accounting terms

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accantonare un fondoto provide for (to make a provision)
asta giudiziariaforeclosure sales
bilancio civilisticofinancial statement for civil law purposes
capo officina capo di dipartimentoforeman, department-head
conferimento azionicontribution of shares (this is a transfer of shares for newly issued shares in a company)
conferimento di aziendacontribution of assets (this is a transfer of assets for newly issued shares in a company)
conferma di forma positivapositive form of a confirmation
debiti verso fornitori; fornitoriaccounts payable
entrare in vigore, avere efficacia dato come into force, to become effective from, effective date
essere costituito dato be formed of
fattura fornitoresupplier's invoice
fondo ammortamentofor depreciation
fondo indennità licenziamentifor severenace indemnity
fondo svalutazione creditifor doubtful debts
fornitorecreditor (account payable)
imputazione al conto economico durante l'esercizio di riferimentoentered in the profit and loss account for the "pro-tempore" accounting period
istanza di rimborsoclaim for refund
libro fatture fornitoripurchase invoice register
oneroso (a titolo)against payment, for a consideration, non gratuitos
onorario a forfait, acconto su onorariofee retainer
qualificarsito qualify, tbe eligible for, to be entitled to, to have the right to
recitare (i.e, l'articolo recita)the article provides, the article sets forth
richiesta di estratto contorequest for statement
riportobalance forward, carry over
riporto delle perdite (a esercizi successivi)carrv-forward losses, losses carried forward
spiegare, considerareto account for
traduzione (of foreign currency)conversion
utili a nuovoprofits brought forward

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