Dutch to English glossary of Microsoft terms

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activabibliotheekasset library
activaboekasset book
activagroepasset group
activum met een lage waarde, lagewaarde-activumlow-value asset
Asset IntelligenceAsset Intelligence
Asset Intelligence-catalogusAsset Intelligence catalog
Asset Intelligence-kennisdatabaseAsset Intelligence Knowledge Base
Asset Intelligence-synchronisatiepuntAsset Intelligence synchronization point
immaterieel vast activumintangible fixed asset
lagekost-activum, activum met lage kostenlow-cost asset
liquide middelenliquid asset
Software Asset Managementsoftware asset management
tegenactivacontra asset
toevoeging aan vaste activa, vaste-activatoevoegingfixed asset addition
vaste activa, vast activumfixed asset
vaste-activagroepfixed asset group

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