Indonesian to English glossary of Microsoft terms

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akses informasi otoritasauthority information access
aplikasi Multi-Factor AuthenticationMulti-Factor Authentication app
Autentik, Energetik, Reflektif, dan BukaAuthentic, Energetic, Reflective, and Open
autentikasi proksiproxy authentication
database otentikasiauthentication database
laman berkewenanganauthoritative page
Layanan Microsoft Azure Multi-Factor AuthenticationMicrosoft Azure Multi-Factor Authentication Service
Layanan Multi-Factor AuthenticationMulti-Factor Authentication Service
Markah PenulisAuthor Marks
metode autauth method
metode autentikasiauthentication method
Microsoft Azure Multi-Factor AuthenticationMicrosoft Azure Multi-Factor Authentication
Multi-Factor AuthenticationMulti-Factor Authentication
Otentikasi dasarBasic authentication
otentikasi kata sandi terdistribusidistributed password authentication
otentikasi KerberosKerberos authentication
Otentikasi ringkasanDigest authentication
otentikasi sertifikatcertificate authentication
otentikasi teks biasaplaintext authentication
otentikasi terpercayatrusted authentication
otentikasi tiketticketing authentication
Otentikasi Windows TerpaduIntegrated Windows authentication
otoritas pendaftaran lokallocal registration authority
otoritas sertifikasi akar terpercayatrusted root certification authority
otoritas sertifikasi penerbitissuing certification authority
otoritas sertifikasi perantaraintermediate certification authority
Otoritas Sertifikatcertification authority
Pengidentifikasi Kunci OtoritasAuthority Key Identifier
Penulisan dan Penerapan Versi yang Didistribusikan berbasis WebWeb-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning
Penulisan dan Penerapan Versi yang Didistribusikan dengan World Wide WebWorld Wide Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning
Penulisan dan Penerapan Versi yang Didistribusikan lewat WebWeb Distributed Authoring and Versioning
Portal Manajemen Microsoft Azure Multi-Factor AuthenticationMicrosoft Azure Multi-Factor Authentication Management Portal
Portal Manajemen Multi-Factor AuthenticationMulti-Factor Authentication Management Portal
Portal Pengguna Microsoft Azure Multi-Factor AuthenticationMicrosoft Azure Multi-Factor Authentication User Portal
Portal Pengguna Multi-Factor AuthenticationMulti-Factor Authentication User Portal
Sertifikat Keasliancertificate of authenticity
Server Microsoft Azure Multi-Factor AuthenticationMicrosoft Azure Multi-Factor Authentication Server
Server Multi-Factor AuthenticationMulti-Factor Authentication Server
server nama otoritatifauthoritative name server
server otoritatifauthoritative server
sumber kewenangansource of authority
tabel otoritastable of authorities
tingkat otoritasauthority level

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