English to Chinese glossary of aged care terms

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Abuse - alcohol abuse酗酒
Abuse - drug abuse藥物濫用
Abuse - elder abuse虐待長者
Abuse - emotional abuse情感虐待
Abuse - financial abuse經濟虐待
Abuse - physical abuse身體虐待
Abuse - psychological abuse心理虐待
Abuse - sexual abuse性虐待
Accessing aged care services獲得安老服務
Accommodation Bond入院保證金
Accommodation Bond Agreement入院保證金協議
Accommodation Charge入院費
Accommodation Charge Agreement入院費協議
Accommodation Payment入院金
Accreditation Standard鑒定標準
Accreditation Standard Four: Physical Environment and Safety Systems鑒定標準四:外在環境與安全制度
Accreditation Standard One: Management Systems鑒定標準一:管理制度
Accreditation Standard Three: Resident Lifestyle鑒定標準三:居民生活方式
Accreditation Standard Two: Health and Personal Care鑒定標準二:保健與個人護理
Accredited facility鑒定機構
Acquired Brain Injury (ABI)後天性腦損傷(ABI)
Activities - Individualised activities個性化的活動
Activities coordinator/Diversional Therapist活動負責人/康樂治療師
Activities of daily living日常生活活動
Acute care急症護理
Acute condition急症
Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT)行政上訴仲裁庭 (AAT)
Adult Day Care Centre成人日間保健中心
Advance care directives護理事前指示
Advance care planning護理事前計劃
Advance Health Care Directive醫療護理事前指示
Adverse drug reaction藥物不良反應
Adverse effects不良反應
Adverse event不良事件
Advocacy Service維權服務機構
After hours telephone service下班時間電話服務
Age pensioner養老金領取者
Age related cognitive decline老年認知能力下降
Aged and Community Care Information Line安老及社區護理信息專綫
Aged Care Act 1997《1997安老服務法》
Aged Care Advocacy Program安老服務維權計劃
Aged Care Assessment Officer安老服務評估員
Aged Care Assessment Service (ACAS)安老服務評估機構(ACAS)
Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT)安老服務評估小組(ACAT)
Aged Care Complaints Investigation Scheme安老服務投訴調查計劃
Aged care facility/Aged care home/Facility/Home/Residential Facility/Residential Service/Residential Home安老院舍
Aged care home/Facility/HomeResidential Facility/Residential Service/Residential Home/Aged care facility安老院舍
Aged Care Quality Assessors安老服務質量評估員
Aged care sector安老服務領域
Aged Care Standards and Accreditation Agency安老服務標準與鑒定局
Aged pension養老金

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