Welcome to the TTMEM Terminator section! This section was created for those translators who are not in the possession of CAT Tools and therefore cannot access the terminology present in our .tmx (translation memory) files downloadable from our Download Translation Memory section, or who want to have immediate access to specialised terminology. TTMEM Terminator is a collection of searchable translations created by TTMEM.com staff from .tmx files.
Our online terminology content, based on dictionaries and glossaries, is made up of source and target segments and is grouped into different categories and language pairs. This feature allows any translator to use translation memories without any CAT Tool. Continuous and sustainable development of terminology will allow us to make the TTMEM Terminator one of the largest databases of terminology available online.
1. The TTMEM Terminator section contains searchable terms grouped into source terms and target terms.
2. Dictionaries and glossaries available in this section were generated from .tmx files by TTMEM (data controller and owner). The data controller is therefore the only authority entitled to complete and modify its contents.
3. Copying and distribution of terms is strictly prohibited, without the explicit written permission of the data controller.
4. The data controller cannot guarantee the correctness or completeness of terms. All dictionaries and glossaries are for information purposes only. No rights can be derived, in any way from them.
5. The data controller reserves the right to change, modify or remove content of TTMEM Terminator section at any time, without prior warning.
6. Access to the contents of this section is paid and you must register if you want to download the terminology as a .tmx file from the Download Translation Memory section.
7. The data controller reserves the right to temporarily suspend this section, or its parts, for updating or improving its contents.

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Translation agency

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There are 1432 resources in the chosen linguistic combination/field

EnglishSpanish51107European Commission terminology (DGT) .
EnglishSpanish89Fail-safe valve quick guide .
EnglishSpanish996Glossary of aged care terms .
EnglishSpanish1267Glossary of agriculture and international organizations terms .
EnglishSpanish664Glossary of courthouse terms .
EnglishSpanish1222Glossary of education terms .
EnglishSpanish254Glossary of exchange-traded commodity terms .
EnglishSpanish645Glossary of football terms .
EnglishSpanish47938Glossary of geological terms .
EnglishSpanish510Glossary of maritime terms .
EnglishSpanish21104Glossary of Microsoft terms .
EnglishSpanish846Glossary of nautical terms .
EnglishSpanish1306Glossary of social security terms .
EnglishSpanish4709Glossary of technical vocabulary .
EnglishSpanish2541Glossary of telecommunication industry terms .
EnglishSpanish81Radio receiver installation instructions .
EnglishSwedish167Dictionary of e-mark and prepackaging terms .
EnglishSwedish423Dictionary of statistical terms .
EnglishSwedish52543European Commission terminology (DGT) .
EnglishSwedish2198Glossary for the courts of Sweden .
EnglishSwedish234Glossary of football terms .
EnglishSwedish475Glossary of hydraulics and hydrology terms .
EnglishSwedish16035Glossary of Microsoft terms .
EnglishTagalog993Glossary of aged care terms .
EnglishTagalog185Glossary of mental health terms .
EnglishTagalog5074Glossary of Microsoft terms .
EnglishTagalog1465Glossary of social security terms .
EnglishTamil4569Glossary of Microsoft terms .
EnglishThai997Glossary of aged care terms .
EnglishThai13544Glossary of Microsoft terms .
EnglishTurkish995Glossary of aged care terms .
EnglishTurkish17137Glossary of Microsoft terms .
EnglishUkrainian980Glossary of aged care terms .
EnglishUkrainian10543Glossary of Microsoft terms .
EnglishVietnamese996Glossary of aged care terms .
EnglishVietnamese874Glossary of bioelectric terms .
EnglishVietnamese7151Glossary of Microsoft terms .
EnglishVietnamese825Glossary of nautical terms .
EnglishVietnamese1306Glossary of social security terms .
EstonianBulgarian48283European Commission terminology (DGT) .
EstonianCzech50181European Commission terminology (DGT) .
EstonianDanish49465European Commission terminology (DGT) .
EstonianDutch50314European Commission terminology (DGT) .
EstonianEnglish281Dictionary of construction machinery terms .
EstonianEnglish51673European Commission terminology (DGT) .
EstonianEnglish11842Glossary of Microsoft terms .
EstonianFinnish49894European Commission terminology (DGT) .
EstonianFrench50023European Commission terminology (DGT) .
EstonianGerman49777European Commission terminology (DGT) .
EstonianGreek50524European Commission terminology (DGT) .
EstonianHungarian50907European Commission terminology (DGT) .
EstonianItalian283Dictionary of construction machinery terms .
EstonianItalian50453European Commission terminology (DGT) .
EstonianLatvian50851European Commission terminology (DGT) .
EstonianLithuanian50608European Commission terminology (DGT) .
EstonianMaltese49758European Commission terminology (DGT) .
EstonianPolish49288European Commission terminology (DGT) .
EstonianPortuguese50309European Commission terminology (DGT) .
EstonianRomanian47579European Commission terminology (DGT) .
EstonianSlovak50386European Commission terminology (DGT) .
EstonianSlovenian49871European Commission terminology (DGT) .
EstonianSpanish50182European Commission terminology (DGT) .
EstonianSwedish50518European Commission terminology (DGT) .
FinnishBulgarian47638European Commission terminology (DGT) .
FinnishCzech49893European Commission terminology (DGT) .
FinnishDanish49026European Commission terminology (DGT) .
FinnishDutch49913European Commission terminology (DGT) .
FinnishEnglish451Dictionary of statistical terms .
FinnishEnglish52389European Commission terminology (DGT) .
FinnishEnglish15673Glossary of Microsoft terms .
FinnishEnglish98Glossary of pension terms .
FinnishEstonian49901European Commission terminology (DGT) .
FinnishFrench50169European Commission terminology (DGT) .
FinnishGerman49498European Commission terminology (DGT) .
FinnishGreek50400European Commission terminology (DGT) .
FinnishHungarian51328European Commission terminology (DGT) .
FinnishItalian50117European Commission terminology (DGT) .
FinnishLatvian51130European Commission terminology (DGT) .
FinnishLithuanian50319European Commission terminology (DGT) .
FinnishMaltese49337European Commission terminology (DGT) .