Welcome to the TTMEM Terminator section! This section was created for those translators who are not in the possession of CAT Tools and therefore cannot access the terminology present in our .tmx (translation memory) files downloadable from our Download Translation Memory section, or who want to have immediate access to specialised terminology. TTMEM Terminator is a collection of searchable translations created by TTMEM.com staff from .tmx files.
Our online terminology content, based on dictionaries and glossaries, is made up of source and target segments and is grouped into different categories and language pairs. This feature allows any translator to use translation memories without any CAT Tool. Continuous and sustainable development of terminology will allow us to make the TTMEM Terminator one of the largest databases of terminology available online.
1. The TTMEM Terminator section contains searchable terms grouped into source terms and target terms.
2. Dictionaries and glossaries available in this section were generated from .tmx files by TTMEM (data controller and owner). The data controller is therefore the only authority entitled to complete and modify its contents.
3. Copying and distribution of terms is strictly prohibited, without the explicit written permission of the data controller.
4. The data controller cannot guarantee the correctness or completeness of terms. All dictionaries and glossaries are for information purposes only. No rights can be derived, in any way from them.
5. The data controller reserves the right to change, modify or remove content of TTMEM Terminator section at any time, without prior warning.
6. Access to the contents of this section is paid and you must register if you want to download the terminology as a .tmx file from the Download Translation Memory section.
7. The data controller reserves the right to temporarily suspend this section, or its parts, for updating or improving its contents.

Delta Group
Translation agency

(see the profile)
Сергей Поляков
Translation agency

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There are 1432 resources in the chosen linguistic combination/field

AfrikaansEnglish4546Glossary of Microsoft terms .
AlbanianEnglish577Dictionary of legal terms .
AlbanianEnglish4518Glossary of Microsoft terms .
AlbanianEnglish10000Setimes parallel corpus .
AmharicEnglish4413Glossary of Microsoft terms .
ArabicEnglish1725Dictionary of financial terms .
ArabicEnglish16897Dictionary of medical terms .
ArabicEnglish561Dictionary of metalcasting terms .
ArabicEnglish1387Dictionary of military and defense terms .
ArabicEnglish8556Dictionary of technology and mobile terms .
ArabicEnglish30569Glossary of banking terms .
ArabicEnglish1199Glossary of information system terms .
ArabicEnglish15220Glossary of Microsoft terms .
ArabicEnglish1406Glossary of social security terms .
ArmenianEnglish4166Glossary of Microsoft terms .
ArmenianEnglish1416Glossary of social security terms .
AssameseEnglish4160Glossary of Microsoft terms .
AzerbaijaniEnglish5152Glossary of Microsoft terms .
BasqueEnglish5566Glossary of Microsoft terms .
BelarusianEnglish3620Glossary of Microsoft terms .
BengaliEnglish4120Glossary of Microsoft terms .
BosnianCroatian185Glossary of mental health terms .
BosnianEnglish185Glossary of mental health terms .
BosnianEnglish4535Glossary of Microsoft terms .
BulgarianCzech48244European Commission terminology (DGT) .
BulgarianDanish47509European Commission terminology (DGT) .
BulgarianDutch48246European Commission terminology (DGT) .
BulgarianEnglish2127Dictionary of legal terms .
BulgarianEnglish5087Directorate General for Education and Culture (EAC) .
BulgarianEnglish50262European Commission terminology (DGT) .
BulgarianEnglish9631Glossary of Microsoft terms .
BulgarianEnglish1246Glossary of nuclear energy terms .
BulgarianEstonian48283European Commission terminology (DGT) .
BulgarianFinnish47634European Commission terminology (DGT) .
BulgarianFrench48188European Commission terminology (DGT) .
BulgarianGerman47886European Commission terminology (DGT) .
BulgarianGreek48623European Commission terminology (DGT) .
BulgarianHungarian48839European Commission terminology (DGT) .
BulgarianItalian48436European Commission terminology (DGT) .
BulgarianLatvian48926European Commission terminology (DGT) .
BulgarianLithuanian49129European Commission terminology (DGT) .
BulgarianMaltese49578European Commission terminology (DGT) .
BulgarianPolish47958European Commission terminology (DGT) .
BulgarianPortuguese48466European Commission terminology (DGT) .
BulgarianRomanian47448European Commission terminology (DGT) .
BulgarianSlovak48298European Commission terminology (DGT) .
BulgarianSlovenian47855European Commission terminology (DGT) .
BulgarianSpanish48303European Commission terminology (DGT) .
BulgarianSwedish48916European Commission terminology (DGT) .
CatalanEnglish4595Glossary of Microsoft terms .
CherokeeEnglish1592Glossary of Microsoft terms .
ChineseDutch5121Dictionary of automotive terms .
ChineseEnglish5107Dictionary of automotive terms .
ChineseEnglish235Glossary of football terms .
ChineseEnglish318Glossary of geometrical terms .
ChineseEnglish20339Glossary of Microsoft terms .
ChineseEnglish830Glossary of nautical terms .
ChineseEnglish1431Glossary of social security terms .
ChineseFrench5015Dictionary of automotive terms .
ChineseGerman5019Dictionary of automotive terms .
ChineseItalian4821Dictionary of automotive terms .
ChinesePolish4632Dictionary of automotive terms .
ChineseRussian4622Dictionary of automotive terms .
ChineseSpanish4942Dictionary of automotive terms .
CroatianBosnian185Glossary of mental health terms .
CroatianEnglish185Glossary of mental health terms .
CroatianEnglish9346Glossary of Microsoft terms .
CzechBulgarian48252European Commission terminology (DGT) .
CzechDanish49298European Commission terminology (DGT) .
CzechDutch50175European Commission terminology (DGT) .
CzechEnglish282Dictionary of construction machinery terms .
CzechEnglish5367Dictionary of gas industry terms .
CzechEnglish3861Directorate General for Education and Culture (EAC) .
CzechEnglish51537European Commission terminology (DGT) .
CzechEnglish18128Glossary of Microsoft terms .
CzechEstonian50180European Commission terminology (DGT) .
CzechFinnish49892European Commission terminology (DGT) .
CzechFrench50010European Commission terminology (DGT) .
CzechGerman5404Dictionary of gas industry terms .
CzechGerman49813European Commission terminology (DGT) .