English to Japanese glossary of credit insurance terms

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Claims, indemnity保険金請求
Adverse information信用力低下情報
Events or circumstances that have led or may lead to a deterioration of the financial situation or creditworthiness of a buyer.債務者や債務者の所在する国の財務状況または信用力 の低下をもたらしたまたはもたらす可能性のある事件ま たは環境
Aggregate first loss (AFL, Policy deductible)累積免責金額
The total amount of approved claims during an insurance period, which are to be borne by the insured for his own account prior to indemnification by the insurer保険期間中に保険金請求に相当すると認められた金 額の累積額であって、その金額までは被保険者の自己 負担となる金額。保険者はその金額を超えた部分を填 補対象とする。
Claim (Notice of claim)保険金請求
An application by the insured for indemnification of a loss under the policy.保険契約に基づく被保険者からの損害補填請求
Claims made policy請求ベース保険契約
Policy, which covers applications for indemnification made during the policy term.保険期間中になされた保険金請求をカバーする保険 契約(参照)事故発生ベース保険契約および危険開始ベ ース保険契約
Claims threshold (Non qualifying loss, Threshold)小損害免責金額
The amount below which losses do not qualify for indemnification and are to be kept by the insured for his own account.その金額を下回る金額の損害については保険金が支 払われず、被保険者の自己負担となる金額
Claims waiting period (Claim filing waiting period, Waiting period)待機期間
The period, usually starting from the due date of payment or intervention order, after the expiry of which a claim may be submitted and the loss is assessed.支払期日または調停成立日を起算日とする期間であ り、その期間の満了後に保険金請求を行うことができ、 損害査定が行われる。
Costs for work in progress (Pre-invoicing expenses, Costs incurred but not billed)仕掛費用
Expenses incurred for uncompleted rendered services or product construction.未完了の役務または作成中の物に要した支出金
Date of ascertainment of loss (Date of loss)損害確認日
Date on which the insured loss will be assessed by the insurer保険者が、その日現在の損害を保険上の損害として 査定する日
Date on which the insured loss is deemed to have occurred.その日に保険上の損害が発生していたと考えられる日
Datum line裾切り金額
An amount below which buyers are not to be included in the insurance policy.その金額を下回る取引額の買主は保険非対象となる 金額
Default (Payment default)債務不履行
Failure of the buyer to meet his contractual (payment) obligations. A default is an event that can lead to a loss for the credit insurer, such as bankruptcy, Chapter 11 or any other failure to pay of the buyer which is covered under the insured's policy.買主が契約上の(支払)債務を履行しないこと。これ は、保険契約上担保される破産や民事再生(または、 買主によるその他の支払不能)などの信用保険者にと っての損害となりうるものである。
Imminent loss切迫事故
Any events or circumstances that have lead or may lead to a deterioration of the financial situation of a buyer.保険事故に至った可能性の高い出来事もしくは環境、 または高い可能性で保険事故に至りうる出来事もしく は環境
Compensation for a loss損害を埋め合わせること
Minimum retention最低自己保有額
The minimum amount of each loss that the insured has to bear for his own account.各事故ごとに被保険者が自己保有しなければならな い最低金額
Non payment risk不払い危険
The risk that a buyer will default on its obligation to pay an invoice請求書に対し買主が支払義務を履行しない危険
Non qualifying loss (Claims threshold, NQL, Threshold)不担保損害額
Notice of claim (Claim)保険金請求
An application by the insured for indemnification of a loss under the policy保険契約に基づく被保険者からの損害補填請求
Repudiation (of cover)支払拒絶
The decision of the insurer not to accept a specific claim made by the insured due to被保険者からの保険金請求に、以下の事由を理由とし て応じない旨の保険者の決定
a breach of obligation by the insured;被保険者による義務違反
the underlying risk being outside the scope of coverage under the respective policy請求の基礎となる危険がその保険契約上非対象で あること
Amending the credit terms of a debt by setting one or more new due dates.一つもしくは幾つかの新たな支払期限を設定すること により支払期限を変更すること
Credit assessment/limits信用審査/限度額
Upon payment or indemnification of a claim to the insured caused by a failure of the buyer, the insurer steps into the insured's position and assumes all rights and remedies of the insured against the buyer. By executing these rights and remedies the insurer can;買主の不履行による被保険者への保険金支払に際 し、保険者が被保険者の地位に着き、その被保険者が 有している買主に対する全ての権利および救済手段 を引受けること。これらの権利や救済手段の行使によ り、保険者は、
possibly recover the indemnified amount from the buyer買主から回収を行うことができる
avoid overcompensation to the insured被保険者のいわゆる焼け太りを防ぐ
Subrogation occurs without any agreement between the insurer and the insured.代位は保険者と被保険者との間の合意なしに発生する。
Aggregate limit (Policy limit, Insurer's maximum liability)期間中総支払限度額
Maximum amount that the insurer is liable to pay with respect to all losses during a policy period.保険期間中の全ての損害に対し保険者が支払責任を 有する保険金総額の上限額
Blind cover初取引担保
Policy feature that provides (a reduced percentage of) cover when no credit limit has been established on the Buyer and no adverse information is known.与信限度額が設定されたことはないが信用力低下情 報もない買主について、(縮小率を引下げたうえで)保 険カバーを提供する旨の保険契約上の規定
Credit assessment fee (Credit rating fee)信用評価手数料
Contribution to the costs of credit information gathered for the assessment of the buyer risk.買主の信用力を評価するために収集した信用情報に 要する費用に対応する被保険者の負担額
Credit limit与信限度額
The maximum exposure specifically approved or otherwise authorised by the insurer inrespect of a buyer.保険者が承認または認定する最大与信額であり買主 ごとに設定されるもの (訳者注---Credit limitは、保険者の負担額と被 保険者の負担額を合算した金額として表示される。例えば、 Credit limit (与信限度 額)100万円、縮小率80&の場合、保険者の支払限度額は80万円である。)
Credit underwriting信用審査
Assessment by the credit insurer of the financial condition of buyers, prior to setting a credit limit.与信限度額を設定する前に信用保険者が行う買主の 財務状況の審査
Discretionary limit (DL, Discretionary credit limit, DCL, Non-vetting limit)裁量与信限度額
The amount up to which, according to given guidelines, the insured may set a credit limit without specific review by the insurer.保険契約に規定された基準に基づき保険者の格別の 審査なしに被保険者が設定することのできる与信限 度額の上限額
First order cover (First sale clause)初取引担保
Policy feature that provides cover for risks commencing before a credit limit has been established, for buyers with whom the insured has not traded before.被保険者との取引実績のない買主について与信限度 額設定より前に開始する危険のために保険カバーを 提供する旨の保険契約上の規定
Credit Insurance信用保険

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